Large Art Metal Rose Sculpture for Square

This extraordinary 42-foot rose sculpture takes people on a journey of symbolism and elegance. Symbolizing love, happiness and gratitude, this large metal sculpture features three delicate pink roses entwined with delicate silver-plated stems. A beacon of beauty and positivity, it uplifts viewers and beautifies communities with its timeless appeal.




The Symbolic Meaning of the Rose Sculpture:


As a symbol of beauty, love and appreciation, the rose has universal significance. Across cultures and traditions, it embodies emotions of joy, elegance and happiness. The three roses in our metal outdoor sculpture symbolize a profound declaration of “I love you,” while a single pink rose represents happiness, grace, gratitude, and joy. Each petal and stem carries multiple layers of meaning, inviting the viewer to consider the beauty and complexity of life.




Standing 42 feet tall, our giant rose sculpture captivates viewers and enriches public spaces with its captivating presence. Whether installed in a park, square or cityscape, it becomes a source of inspiration and joy to all who encounter it. By weaving beauty and symbolism into the fabric of the community, it fosters a sense of connection and appreciation of art.




Expertise and Experience of Metal Sculpture:


With more than 40 years of experience in stainless steel sculpture craftsmanship, YouFine is a trusted industry leader. Our team of craftsmen combine traditional techniques with innovative design to create sculptures of unparalleled beauty and quality. Over the years we have contributed to numerous large-scale projects that have had a lasting impact on landscapes and urban landscapes around the world.




Global Coverage and Installation Services:


At YouFine, we ensure our sculptures reach audiences around the world through our global shipping and distribution network. With offices in the United States, the Middle East and beyond, and installation teams around the world, we provide customers with comprehensive support from concept to installation. No matter where your project is located, we provide exceptional service with precision and professionalism.



Experience the transformative power of art with YouFine’s 42-foot-tall rose sculpture. With its symbolic elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship, it enriches public spaces, lifts spirits and fosters a sense of community. Contact us today to learn more about this stunning sculpture and learn how we can bring your artistic vision to life with our passion and expertise.

metal rose sculpturerose sculpture