Famous Marble Artemis Bust Diana Bust Sculpture for Sale MOKK-270



To know more about Diana Bust Sculpture

Diana, in Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon and the hunt. Latina analogue of the Greek Virgin goddess Artemis, Diana was the guardian of sources and creeks and protector of wild animals.

In addition, she is particularly respected by women, who are believed to make childbirth easier for her loved ones. In her works of art, she is usually a young hunter, often with bows and arrows. These statues are made of a mixture of alabaster powder and durable adhesives, each detail carefully crafted by the master of Youfine.

In Roman mythology, the diana was not only goddess hunting, but also the moon, And nature was linked to wild animals and woodlands and had the ability to communicate with animals And to manage them. After all, she was identified with a Greek goddess artemis, Although it had an independent origin in italia. They were serving in ancient Roman faith and revered in Roman non-language and stress. The diana was known as the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of three girls, along with a mute and a century that vowed never to marry.





Diana Bust Sculpture from Youfine

Our sculpture is produced in a unique and own dry casting process. They are made of white Carrara marble and over 90% of the finished sculpture is a natural marble that gives it the look and appearance of natural marble.They are made by hand.





The marble processing procedure of Diana Bust Sculpture




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white marble famous sculpture for saleDiana Artemis of Versailles Statue Bustartemis diana bustDiana Bust Sculpturedecorative famous sculpture