Someone once said that the most significant part of grief is regret. Regret includes grief and remorse, and has to do with unfinished business on this side of the grave. Since those of us still living on Earth can experience heaven only for a brief flash, part of our job is to clear our regrets after a loved one dies. Because regret is a multi-faceted thing (regret for what we did or didn’t do, grief for the time spent with your loved one was cut short, regret for the pain of a dying person) regrets The main component, and also the ticket to regret, to overcome it is forgiveness. For those of us outcasts, we must forgive others for the cause of death, forgive loved ones for leaving us, and forgive ourselves for our imperfect relationship with the deceased. In addition to praying while visiting a loved one’s cemetery, you may wish to leave something as a gift or as a token of your thoughts about them. A headstone that matches their preferences will help you remember them for a long time.