Bronze Worlds Largest Turkey Animal Statue Outdoor Decor for Sale BOK1-413

Bronze Worlds Largest Turkey Animal Statue Outdoor Decor for Sale BOK1-413


The city is famous for being the home of “Big Tom,” the world’s largest turkey. Completed in 1986, the statue, called Big Tom, stands 22 feet tall. Of course, our artist could cast you a large bronze turkey sculpture of the same size.


Turkey statue-YouFine SculptureLarge turkey centerpiece-YouFine Sculpture


What is the Largest Turkey Statue?


It turns out the world’s largest Turkish monument was built on a metal frame covered with cement, fiberglass, cardboard, and insulation. Due to Big Tom’s constitution, it requires frequent repairs. There are also complaints that Big Tom doesn’t have the proportions of a real turkey. The new largest Turkish monument arrived in Fraser in August 1998. Divided into three pieces on a flatbed trailer, it takes eight hours to assemble. Of course, we cast the turkey sculpture for you in bronze. Then you don’t have to worry about maintenance at all and the sculpture would not catch fire.



The Characteristics of Turkey Itself:


Generally speaking, the body length of the turkey is 110-115 cm. And, his wingspan reaches 125-144 cm. The most gratifying thing is that the weight of the turkey reaches 2.5-10.8 kg. Moreover, we could clearly see that the head and neck of the turkey are almost bare. Therefore, there are only sparse feathers on the neck and red sarcoids on the larynx of the turkey. This is the most distinctive red sign of turkeys. Without a doubt, our turkey sculpture artwork also best reflects its authentic character.




Where Wild Turkeys Come from:


Wild turkeys are native to North America and inhabit temperate and subtropical forests. Moreover, they like waterside woodlands and live at an altitude of 300-2500 meters above sea level. Outside of the breeding season, males and females live separately. They feed on plant stems, leaves, seeds, and fruits, as well as insects, and occasionally frogs and lizards.



Thanksgiving Turkey:


Legend has it that raising turkeys could eliminate fires, commonly known as “turkeys”. Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in western countries when families get together. At the holiday banquet, there is an indispensable special dish – “roasted turkey”.



Christmas Turkey:


The history of eating turkey has been nearly four hundred years. This is a feast of thanksgiving that symbolizes harvest and reunion, “Christmas Dinner” and “Thanksgiving Dinner”. And Christmas is a day to give thanks for the coming of Jesus. Therefore, the turkey feast, which symbolizes gratitude, has been extended to Christmas.



Therefore, there would be various turkey sculptures at the gates of many restaurants. Of course, in order to completely attract the eyes and vision of customers. Our artist would cast the most realistic bronze turkey sculpture ever. Also, our artists are very good at coloring. Therefore, the colors of our turkey statues would become more natural and refined over time.


World's Largest TurkeyTurkey statueLarge turkey statue